Thursday, October 22, 2009

Farewell to Merida

Sunday Feb 8th
We are due to drive to Chichen Itza today, but Merida still has a hold on us.
First of all there is the farewell breakfast with Joany presiding over it in her usual style.
It has taken me four days to realize that she reminds me of an oversized Judge Judy, constantly interrupting our stories, and telling us all when to speak and what to do. During our stay she tells us of the many house rules, and lays down the law emphatically. We realise that while we all laugh at her behaviour, we are all a little intimidated too.
Bob and Nancy are also leaving today so we say farewell to one and all
Then we have to walk around the town square for the last time. Sunday is another big day in Merida. The streets are again closed, this time for bicycle riding. There are stands renting out bicycles and it seems half of the local townsfolk are here. Joany had said she often goes bike riding on Sunday morning and we were looking forward to seeing her perched on the saddle, but in the end she didn’t go.
The square is filled with handicraft stalls, and the street around it is packed with taco stands, food booths and tables and chairs. One side of the street has a children’s play being performed. It is most elaborate with lots of costumes and music. We think they are performing Sinbad but are not sure. The dozens of children watching are totally enthralled. Those not theatrically inclined can watch the fire eater on one corner or the woman mime dressed rather fabulously as a tree, complete with huge roots spreading out from her feet.
It is certainly a fun day but we have to get on

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